<description>&lt;div class= "x1tlxs6b x1g8br2z x1gn5b1j x230xth x14ctfv x1okitfd x6ikm8r x10wlt62 x1mzt3pk x1y1aw1k xn6708d xwib8y2 x1ye3gou x1n2onr6 x13faqbe x1vjfegm" role="none"&gt; &lt;div class="x9f619 x1n2onr6 x1ja2u2z __fb-light-mode" role="none"&gt; &lt;div class="x6prxxf x1fc57z9 x1yc453h x126k92a xzsf02u" dir="auto" role="none"&gt;Today in Karlosophies, Karly is talking about depression. She is sharing the story about everything that has been happening in her life throughout this year and the way she's been dealing with it. She also shares her plans regarding the next year, such as publishing Karlosophies regularly again.&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;</description>


Karly Nimmo

Depression Rears Its Head

DEC 18, 202255 MIN

Depression Rears Its Head

DEC 18, 202255 MIN


Today in Karlosophies, Karly is talking about depression. She is sharing the story about everything that has been happening in her life throughout this year and the way she's been dealing with it. She also shares her plans regarding the next year, such as publishing Karlosophies regularly again.