Talking About Cultures – live online

JUL 10, 2020-1 MIN
Podcast | The Culture Mastery

Talking About Cultures – live online

JUL 10, 2020-1 MIN


Necessity is the mother of invention. In times of social contact restrictions and work from home the way we present our work has been changing. In our case we would like to think the Covid-19 pandemic has made us more creative. One of the avenues we use to reach our clients and our own industry is through live content. For example, our new video format Two Chaps – Many Cultures.

In July 2020 our esteemed colleague, the Cultural Mentor Brett Parry, and Christian Höferle have launched their live program during which they explore the mysteries of human behavior. No holds barred. Only straight talk about culture, human potential, and personal growth. Streaming live where possible. Taking questions from you. Including colorful and diverse voices from various corners of the world. 

Brett Parry Christian Höferle Two Chaps Many Cultures

What is YOUR biggest challenge when working with other cultures?

Or perhaps you have some interesting stories to tell about your global work. Brett and Christian address these topics on their live program. Two Chaps – Many Cultures is available on YouTube and on Facebook. The two chaps broadcast weekdays at 9:33am Eastern Time.

Join them. Comment. Ask your questions.

Here are the episodes Brett and Christian produced in their first week. Enjoy the replay.

On occasion Brett and Christian also invite guest on their program. In fact, during their first week they welcomed Joanna Sell and Vicki Flier Hudson to the show. You can watch these “bonus episodes” here:

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