The First Generation - Inteview with Akbar Sami (by Gita Pattison)

JUN 20, 20080 MIN
Sahaja Yoga Meditation podcast

The First Generation - Inteview with Akbar Sami (by Gita Pattison)

JUN 20, 20080 MIN


Someone who is for over 15 years in Sahaja Yoga has certainly experienced a lots of miracles, wonders and moments of joy. Depths combined with compassion and humour awakes the desire in one that their is only one goal in life to go for; to become like those "old" yogis. In "The First Generation" we introduce Yogis who have been meditating for at least 15 years and pass on what has changed their life forever - self realisation. Our first guest is Akbar Sami, a born Iranian and US resident who came to Toronto to start programmes for the Iranian community. At the beautiful Webster Falls, near Hamilton, Ontario he told us why he had a ball in Toronto, how he got the attention of the media to advertise an upcoming program with Shri Mataji and, of course, how he got his self realisation.