S2 Ep1149: The Leadership Crisis in the Church: Dr. J.R. Woodward
FEB 1, 202472 MIN
S2 Ep1149: The Leadership Crisis in the Church: Dr. J.R. Woodward
FEB 1, 202472 MIN
<div>JR Woodward, PhD (University of Manchester, UK) is a catalyst, author, and teacher. He is the national director of the V3 church planting movement. See <a href="http://jrwoodward.com/">jrwoodward.com</a>. He's also the author of <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Scandal-Leadership-Unmasking-Powers-Domination-ebook/dp/B0C356M3YT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VS5GXUG0WZ5K&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UHnj_CC1nCT-30Voq_6l2w.18b8Rr1ecuetsNTpYsEJgbc2o4X_hMjgCooHxPJsIbY&dib_tag=se&keywords=jr+woodward+leadership+crisis&qid=1705448586&s=digital-text&sprefix=jr+woodward+leadership+crisis%2Cdigital-text%2C202&sr=1-1"><em>The Scandal of Leadership</em></a>, which forms the backdrop of our conversation. <br>
We discuss the need for polycentric leadership, the problems with hierarchical leadership, the temptation for church leaders to build their own kingdoms, why it seems like so many leaders are failing (or are they?), and how to make sure our churches are more focused on the kingdom of God than sustaining and building their own brand.<br>
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