The Tantric Lounge Radio Show
The Tantric Lounge Radio Show

The Tantric Lounge Radio Show

Jacqueline Hellyer



Listen and learn from me, sex and relationship expert Jacqueline Hellyer, and my co-host Xavier Waterkeyn in these 38 episodes of The Tantric Lounge Radio Show. It’s where sex, science and spirituality meet, and everything in between.

In the Tantric Lounge we explore the third wave of sexuality: beyond shame, beyond sleaze, heading towards true understanding and liberation. It’s sex for the seeker, for the explorer, for the thinker.

We’ve been called “The Enlightened Shock-Jocks” as we present sex like no one else - at times deep, at times hilarious, always inspiring. Listen to entertaining conversations with guest Sex Geeks from the leading edge of sexuality, as we discuss everything to do with sex, love and intimacy.

Become sexually confident, sexually empowered, create high-level connected relationships, and find true personal empowerment!

Recent Episodes

Episode 3.11: Female Orgasmicness and the New Sexual Revolution
SEP 26, 2014
Episode 3.11: Female Orgasmicness and the New Sexual Revolution
Jacqueline calls it the Third Wave of Sexuality, today’s guest Sex Geek calls it the New Sexual Revolution. Alison Petrie is a Tantric Practitioner, Healer and Workshop Facilitator. Today we talk with her about this new revolution, what is it, why is Tantra such a big part of it, and what does women’s orgasmicness have to do with it? What is orgasmicness anyway? Find out here, on The Tantric Lounge! About Today’s Sex Geek: Alison Petrie Alison began her working life as an IT professional in a busy, corporate, male dominated environment. A need for more meaning, fulfillment and a curiosity for all things spiritual lead to a career change into psychology/counselling and energy healing. Having opened up on many levels through study, yoga, meditation, energy work and psychic development and having always had a healthy interest in sex, the next question emerged “Can sex be even better ?” which started a deep dive into the world of Tantra and Sacred Sexuality and a reclaiming and valuing of her feminine essence and the need for it in the world. Alison is now the Sydney based facilitator for Tantric Blossoming and the founder of I Am Woman Global. She runs regular events and private sessions for men and women who want to connect more deeply to themselves and others, enjoy more authentic, heart-centred connections and explore the depths of sexuality beyond the physical. Because of her own journey, she especially enjoys supporting women to own their beauty and feminine power, to enjoy more conscious relationships and intimacy, and to rediscover their amazing capacity for sexual pleasure. Visit Alison at: Download Audio: Female Orgasmicness and the New Sexual Revolution
-1 MIN