1312. How A Dog Saved My Life. - Are Pets Making You Single?
JAN 22, 202580 MIN
1312. How A Dog Saved My Life. - Are Pets Making You Single?
JAN 22, 202580 MIN
<p><img src="https://animalradio.com/images/AllenAnderson350.jpg" alt="Allen Anderson on Animal Radio" title="Allen Anderson on Animal Radio" height="150" width="150" style="float: right; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; padding: 1px; margin: 2px;"/><strong>A Dog Saved My Life</strong>
<br />What makes a cop quit his job to become a writer about animals? Seems like quite a transition. Author and <em>Animal Radio</em> friend <strong>Allen Anderson</strong> is back to share his story and tell us what he's been up to since a brain aneurysm changed his journey.
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<p><strong>Are Your Pets Making You Single</strong>
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<em>Boston Globe</em> reporter <strong>Stephanie St. Martin</strong> may have identified a correlation between animal ownership and being single. She says it's time to stop freaking out your dates by showing them all the pictures of your "children" on the first date.
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<p><strong>There's A Card For That</strong>
<br />Hallmark created a Valentine's Day card for your dog. <strong>Vinnie Penn</strong> Doesn't get it. Why would you send a card to your dog? Do you also open it and read it to them? Wouldn't that Valentine-themed dog treat be a better choice?
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<p><img src="https://animalradio.com/images/petsitterl.jpg" alt="Petsitters" title="Petsitters" height="115" width="150" style="float: right; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; padding: 1px; margin: 2px;"/><strong>Finding The Right Pet Sitter</strong>
<br />With so many pet businesses and services dotting the landscape these days, it's hard to know which one is the right one for you and your pet. <strong>Stacey Cohen</strong> has tips to help you choose pet sitters.
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<p><strong>Cat Carries Contraband Into Prison</strong>
<br />A cat in Brazil was locked up after it was found carrying contraband into a prison. Attached to it were drills, a mobile phone, an earphone, a memory card, batteries, and a phone charger. A spokesperson for the prison says they are investigating the matter. However, they say, "<em>It's tough to find out who's responsible</em>" since the cat obviously cannot speak. The cat was taken to a local animal shelter, where it received medical care.
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