1313. Are Your Pets Making You Tired? - Foster Failures
JAN 29, 202580 MIN
1313. Are Your Pets Making You Tired? - Foster Failures
JAN 29, 202580 MIN
<p><img src="https://animalradio.com/images/VivecaStoneBerry350.jpg" alt="Viveca Stone-Berry" title="Viveca Stone-Berry" height="150" width="150" style="float: right; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; padding: 1px; margin: 2px;"/><strong>Foster Failure</strong>
<br />Even with the best intentions, sometimes we open our homes to a foster pet only to realize the cat or dog has found its way into our hearts and homes forever. <strong>Viveca Stone Berry</strong> is the "<em>Foster Queen</em>," whose mission is to promote fostering. Are you ready to help reduce the amount of animals that are euthanized simply because they're homeless?
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<p><strong>Can A Pet Have Sentimental Value?</strong>
<br />A case that may reflect a pet owner's worst nightmare has made its way to the Texas Supreme Court, which must decide if a family can place sentimental value on a pet that was accidentally euthanized. In 1963, Texas adopted a "<em>sentimental value rule</em>," which provided that the parties involved could sue if the property was wrongfully destroyed and had no market value.
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<p><img src="https://animalradio.com/images/PetsMakingUsTired350.jpg" alt="Pets In Bed" title="Pets In Bed" height="150" width="150" style="float: right; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; padding: 1px; margin: 2px;"/><strong>Are Your Pets Making You Tired?</strong>
<br />Many people can't seem to get a good night's sleep and already have stress, caffeine, or snoring spouses to blame. But researchers at <em>Mayo Clinic's Center for Sleep Medicine</em> find another surprising reason behind those tired eyes: dogs and cats. There's a solution to the problem without kicking your furry friend out of bed.
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<p><strong>The Truth About Heartworm</strong>
<br />You don't have to go far to find different theories on Heartworm and preventative medicine. While some people think it is a waste of money, most professionals will agree that it just makes good sense. <em>Animal Radio</em>'s <strong>Dr. Debbie</strong> tackles the myths and lays down the cold, hard truth.
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