Confession Radio
Confession Radio

Confession Radio

Dynamic Reverb



This unique show engages the audience with a variety of topics that range from light and humorous too deep and reflective, listen to the show that people are talking about.

Confession Radio is not about self-improvement it's about self-acceptance!


Twitter: @DynamicReverb

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Burnout Is About Your Workplace, Not Your People
MAY 15, 2022
Burnout Is About Your Workplace, Not Your People
Job burnout is a genuine threat to workers everywhere and in every industry. A bad day at work leads to a bad week. You’re irritable. You dread walking into the office. You feel like nothing is going your way, or your work is going unappreciated. These feelings linger and begin manifesting into physical symptoms and unbearable stress. You're genuinely considering walking out and never looking back because you're burned out at work. According to a Monster survey of 1,000 full-time and part-time employees in the United States, 34% said their job negatively affects their mental health. Many employees have experienced anxiety (41%), depression (24%), and physical illness (12%) as a result of their job. Additionally, a Gallup surveyed approximately 7,500 full-time workers and found that 23% were experiencing work burnout very often or always, and 44% reported feeling burned out sometimes. In fact, burnout is such a widespread phenomenon, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially classified it as a syndrome (though not a medical condition). Left unaddressed, burnout can lead to meltdown. According to a Monster poll of 3,000 workers, half the respondents said they have cried at work. A boss and/or colleague (45%) and workload (16%) were the top two work-related causes. Job burnout can be fixed. Before it becomes a full-on blaze, take a deep dive into what causes burnout from work. Music by EvgenyBardyuzha from Pixabay
I want to start a revolution. Are you with me?
MAY 11, 2022
I want to start a revolution. Are you with me?
Economic markets are collapsing. People all over the world are suffering and people are afraid, and what happens when people are afraid? They become intolerant. They start pointing the finger at other people. They say, “You’re the reason. You’re the problem. You’re to blame. Get out!” The enemy is not out there. The еnemy is within. I did my tour of duty this yеar, and it feels like I’ve been to hell and back. I saw many things I did not like. I saw apathy. I saw intolerance. I saw desperation and poverty. I saw discrimination and bigotry, and a kind of sinister black cloud of hypocrisy moving in on me, like a curtain of despair. Yeah, that’s right. I saw a lack of desire like a plague, putting everyone into a kind of a trance. And I looked into the eyes of people and I saw helplessness. I saw hopelessness. I saw humans searching for a way out. Another new and exciting distractio. An excuse to do nothing. An external enemy to blame. But I also saw people desperate for a way in, looking for guidance, looking for inspiration, for hope. Looking for love. I keep telling everyone that I want to start a revolution, but no one is taking me seriously. If I had black skin and an afro, would you take me seriously? If I was an Arab waving a hand grenade, would you take me seriously? If I was wearing combat gear and I had an AK-47 strapped to my back, would you take me seriously? There’s too much beauty in the world going to waste. Too much talent going unnoticed. Too much creativity crushed beneath the wheel of corporate branding and what’s trending. But it’s time to wake up before it’s too late. History’s repeating itself. Don’t you see a pattern here? We live in a very scary time. Or should I say, we don’t really live at all? Democracy doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Freedom of expression sounds like a catchphrase. And if you want to be an artist in this day and age, you better have strong arms. You better be prepared to swim upstream in shark-infested waters. You better have thick skin. Because when those Fascist dictators posing as righteous men come for you with their big leather boots to shut you up, to put a gag in your mouth, to send you away to a penal colony, you better be prepared to fight for what you believe in. I used to think I had thick skin, but right now, it feels like I have no skin, like I have been skinned alive. You better be prepared to die for what you believe in. This will be the revolution of thinking for yourself, of having your own opinion and not giving a damn what people say. This will be a revolution of inquiring further, of not worrying about winning other people’s approval, of not wishing you were someone else, but perfectly content to be who you are, someone unique and rare and fearless. I want to start a revolution of love. And this revolution will overcome all fear and all suffering and all separation. And it will include all people. Black, white, Christian, Chinese, Muslim, Jew, gay, straight, bisexual, fat, thin, handicapped, rich, poor, artistic and autistic. F**k labels. I hate labels. We’re all in this ship together, sailing like a burning sphere across the sea. Burn, baby, burn. I feel that people are becoming more and more afraid of people who are different. People are becoming more and more intolerant! We want to fight for the right to be free! To be who we are! Yes! Yes! This is a very scary time, but we can make a difference! We can change this! We have the power! And we don’t have to do it with violence. We just have to do it with love. Jesus preached this. Muhammad preached this. Buddha preached this. Moses preached this. It’s in every holy book. Love thy neighbor as thyself, ok? So, you cannot use religion to treat other people badly. You cannot use God’s name to treat other people badly. We all deserve love. I feel naked and alone. I’m sure you can relate. Sometimes I want to beat myself up. Sometimes I say to myself, “Why didn’t I wait? Why did I listen to all those voices in my head? Why didn’t I have patience? Why did I let all that doubt into my head? Into my belief system? Why?” I know what you’re thinking. “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.” But it’s too late. I am in the kitchen, and the burner’s on full blaze. I want to start a revolution. Are you with me? Music by AmarantaMusic from Pixabay
Should Your Company Be Able to Look at Your Social Media Before and During Your Employment?
MAY 4, 2022
Should Your Company Be Able to Look at Your Social Media Before and During Your Employment?
Should Your Company Be Able to Look at Your Social Media Before and During Your Employment? What’s one way for hiring managers to learn who you are outside the confines of the résumé, cover letter, and interview? Scanning your social media profiles. Social media is great for staying connected to family and friends, sharing jokes, opinions, and interests, and keeping up-to-date with current trends and events. It can also be where potential employers go to do additional screening before making their hiring decisions. In fact, according to a study by CareerBuilder, nearly 70% of employers screen their candidates using social media and what’s more surprising is that 57% of employers are less likely to even contact applicants who lack an online presence. Sure, finding a new candidate can be tough, and using all your tactics to determine if a candidate is a good fit before sending out an Employment Offer Letter is usually a good idea. But can reviewing someone’s social media put you in a difficult legal situation? The truth is if you use information under protected grounds (e.g. race, religion, color, gender, etc.) to make your hiring decision, yes. Moreover, even when you think looking at your applicant’s Facebook profile won’t influence your decision inappropriately and possibly illegally, it could. I reach out to the Kevin Neudecker he is the VP of Quality & Compliance Corporate Screener Kevin for those who are making considering using Social Media as a background check what are the benefits? How Do Biases Affect Your Hiring Decision? A bias is when prejudices cause you to favor (or disfavor) a certain type of person or group in an unfair way. For instance, humans are naturally drawn to people who are similar to themselves. This means something like finding out a candidate has similar religious beliefs as you could cause you to favor their application over others, even if you don’t think you are doing so. Another instance of bias could be if a person has unconscious, stereotypical views of a certain type of person or group. For instance, if someone thinks an individual of a certain gender or race is more skilled or less skilled at something than their counterpart (like if a person thinks women are better communicators than men), they could unknowingly allow their views to influence their decision and hire a particular applicant over another for the wrong reasons, even if the other applicant is equally as qualified for the position. The issue here is that most people aren’t aware of their biases and how they can affect their decision-making. Reviewing an applicant’s social media can bring to light inappropriate information that should never be used when choosing a new employee like gender, race, or religious beliefs. So we know there are risks with doing these types of background checks what would be some potential consequences? With the world being always accessible in the palm of our hands, it's often difficult to disconnect. It's hard to believe that in 2005 only 5% of adults in the US used at least one social media platform. Now, in 2022, almost three-out-of-four (72%) people are active on social media, so it's no wonder that the lines between our home and work lives are becoming blurred. We are suffering from Social Media Overload. But what happens when your co-workers (or even boss) decide they want to follow you online? Vancouver, BC-based job interview company The Interview guys studied data from 1,024 employees who had been followed by a friend or colleague across their social media accounts. It wanted to discover more about their self-censorship behavior online. Three in 10 employees accepted friend requests to keep the peace at work, as having a good relationship with your co-worker is crucial to job-related success. Is it worth accepting a friend request from someone you do not particularly like, or have a difficult relationship with at work? Social media contributed to the burnout that many experiences at work, and added to anxiety about their colleagues monitoring their social activity. Perhaps it is time to take a step back. Remember that almost everything you post on social networking sites can be used by businesses to determine what kind of employee you are or will be. The internet is written in ink, not pencil. Be cognizant of what you post and you won't need to worry about it getting used against you at a later time.