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Location of the Bottomless Pit on Earth | bcdPodcast #310
AUG 30, 2015
Location of the Bottomless Pit on Earth | bcdPodcast #310
Location of the Bottomless Pit on Earth Romans believed in a Bottomless Pit. The Christian Bible also references a Bottomless Pit. Is the location of the Bottomless Pit on the Earth? Stephen Schroeder says Yes. And he reveals the location in Best Conspiracy Documentaries Podcast #310. Listen: Download: PLUS Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith Tax Fraud Federal and State tax dollars are not to be spent on any sort of religious donation in any form. But former Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith helped Indiana funnel tax dollars to the Archdiocese. Stephen Schroeder touches on this illegal tax fraud in the episode.  Former Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith helped illegally funnel Indiana tax dollars to fund the Archdiocese. This set a precedent and caught national government attention, who then asked Stephen Goldsmith to help the United States Government implement the same strategy to illegally use American citizens' tax dollars to fund Faith Based Initiatives and other faith organizations.  Listen to the episode in the YouTube player below. Or go to Islam and the Bottomless Pit Islam also believes in a Bottomless Pit. Islam believes the invisible axis of the Universe that runs directly through the Ka'aba cube. Into News Talk Hillary Clinton saying GOP wants to round people up and put them in boxcars and take them away to prison camps. Someone in the military told Stephen that the government is planning to round people up and put them into FEMA camps "for your protection." Topics: New World Order, Sharia Socialism, Islamic Law, United Nations, Islam financing hip hop groups, Public Enemy playing at Indianapolis Public Schools, Hudson Institute Think Tank, Indiana funneling money to the Archdiocese, Steven Goldsmith illegally funneling tax dollars to the Archdiocese, how the faith based initiatives, American government assisting Islamic terrorists commit.
-1 MIN
Location of Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with Stephen Schroeder | bcdPodcast #309
AUG 23, 2015
Location of Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with Stephen Schroeder | bcdPodcast #309
Location of Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Stephen Schroeder reveals the location of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil becoming visible? Does that mean we are in the Last Days? Listen to the episode below... Listen: Download: Location of Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with Stephen Schroeder | bcdPodcast 309 Topics include: Henry Herring, Roman Bronze Works art studios, importing goddess to Indianapolis, Monument Circle, Egyptian High Magic, Magic Squares, Obelisk of the God of War (Mars), Victory the Roman Goddess of War, Ishtar, Goddess of Death, War, Destruction, Snake Goddess, Fetal Sacrifice, EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, Obama claims domain over all waterways, EPA's accident, domestic terrorism, Environmental Protection Agency living sacrifices, Colorado River, Revelation and Genesis, The End comes before the Beginning, Avenging those who destroy the earth, Salt of the Earth, Vatican Baal Worship, Washington DC Baal Worship, The Great Harlot that Sits on 7 Hills and Rides on the Back of the Beast "Living Dead Girl" Indiana Goddess Video Stephen Refers to In This Episode is Below Learn something every day Lunacy, women - people used to slap women to get them to snap out of their crazy mood when on their monthly period. Lunacy, tied to woman's monthly period, which is tied to the moon. That's where you get Lunacy, Lunatic, and maybe even Lucille Ball.
-1 MIN