Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman

JUN 18, 20214 MIN
Creation Energies with Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman

JUN 18, 20214 MIN


A summary of Brenda’s June 11, 2021, channeled Creation Energies show at You’re in control of yourself. No longer do you need to ask the Universes, family, or friends for advice for you know within you what’s important for you to create or change.  You're on a Personal Time Clock is the title of last week’s Brenda’s Blog – her weekly channeled blog for Life Tapestry The overview of Brenda's June 18, 2021, Creation Energies show: I've decided to create a podcast of my weekly Brenda's Blog - available at Google Podcasts,Pocketcasts, Radio Public, and Spotify ( - and discontinue my weekly Blog Talk Radio show for now. It's an exciting new phase for me. Thank you so much for being part of my Blog Talk Radio channel family for the past eleven years.