SWM 144 – Why wives have a complicated relationship with sex and what to do about it

NOV 15, 202420 MIN
Sex Within Marriage Podcast : Exploring Married Sexuality from a Christian Perspective

SWM 144 – Why wives have a complicated relationship with sex and what to do about it

NOV 15, 202420 MIN


<p>SWM 144 - Why wives have a complicated relationship with sex and what to do about it. Check out the <a href="https://www.uncoveringintimacy.com/swm-144-why-wives-have-a-complicated-relationship-with-sex-and-what-to-do-about-it/">blog post here</a> for more details and links.</p><p>One of our supporters posted a question in our forum which led to a bit of a discussion on what men perceive as sexy, and it shook the questioner a bit, because it was radically different from what she had been led to believe her whole life.</p><p>This led into a larger discussion about why women tend to have more hangups about sex than men do.  I shared my thoughts in the forum in a bit of a rant and then realized that I don’t know if I’ve really tackled this a whole lot on the blog and podcast.  If I have, it’s been a few years, so it’s time for a refresher for the new people.</p><p>So, I’m going to try and make it a little less ranty and a little more coherent and see if maybe I can teach some other wives and women out there a bit about what many men think regarding sex in the hopes that it might help some marriages, present or future.</p><ul><li><a href="https://www.uncoveringintimacy.com/swm-108-what-does-the-bible-say-about-hell/">What does the Bible say about hell (and our souls)(blog post/podcast episode)</a></li><li><a href="https://www.uncoveringintimacy.com/bmse">Becoming More Sexually Engaged (course)</a></li></ul><p>Follow us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/UncoveringIntimacy/">Facebook</a>, <a href="https://www.instagram.com/uncoveringintimacy/">Instagram</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/uncoveringlove">Twitter</a></p><p>If you'd like to discuss the questions as they come in, <a href="https://www.uncoveringintimacy.com/champion">consider joining our private forum</a>.</p><p>Thank you to all our faithful supporters!</p><p>If you like that there are no ads in our podcast and want to keep it that way, check out our <a href="https://www.uncoveringintimacy.com/donate">support page</a> for more info.  Even $5/month makes a difference.</p><p>Lastly, if you like our podcast, please rate it as it helps others know this is a good resource to help with their marriage. You managed to find us, help someone else do the same and receive the same benefits to their relationship.</p>