Leaders Moment
Leaders Moment

Leaders Moment

Scott McClelland



The world needs more great leaders, but leadership in God's Kingdom is upside down. If you're looking for answers and insights from leaders who have served faithfully for years and decades, you've come to the right place. The FXMissions Leaders Moment podcast is for the everyday leader who's not chasing titles or accolades or personal gain. It's for the leader who wants to do the very best with what God's called them to, no matter how big or small it seems. Start listening today and see what God does with it!

Recent Episodes

How to Thrive as a Forerunner in a Changing World
JAN 8, 2024
How to Thrive as a Forerunner in a Changing World

When God shows us something, it's time to act on it, right? Well, as we look through Scripture, that's certainly not often the case. As Scott and Ken mention, sometimes we struggle to understand what God wants us to do and when. This struggle is meant to help us rely on God more fully. Otherwise, we are virtually guaranteed to make a mess of it as we try to do things ourselves. That's the struggle of being a forerunner. Scott and Ken discuss what a forerunner is, the challenges of being ahead of and alongside everyone else, and some pitfalls to be aware of.

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  • Discover how religion as an end unto itself will inevitably lead us astray.
  • Overcome the challenges of being a forerunner in your sphere of influence.
  • Explore the power of filling the void with God for a more fulfilling life.



Ken’s thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. He believes that lifelong learning is the key to personal growth and leadership. Ken is known for his patience and wisdom. His personal journey shows that we grow the most when we actively pursue growth and knowledge. His passion for self-discipline and personal development inspires leaders, encouraging them to keep learning and growing.

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58 MIN
Unearthing the Power of Humility for Christian Leaders
DEC 1, 2023
Unearthing the Power of Humility for Christian Leaders

Let's face it - the world is filled with distractions and temptations. However, as Christian leaders, we must stay grounded in humility and truth. But what happens when we're faced with a shocking revelation that threatens our faith?

Scott and special guest cohost Ken Brooks discuss the insights gained by Scott through decades of experience, which he shared in his second book, Anthologies from the Forefront: Getting Closer to God.

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  • The power of simple submission to God’s will and the impact it can have on your leadership journey
  • How to navigate the temptations and pitfalls that leaders often face, and develop strategies to overcome them
  • The value of humility and truth, and how they can lead to greater maturity and effectiveness as a Christian leader



Ken’s thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. He believes that lifelong learning is the key to personal growth and leadership. 

Ken is known for his patience and wisdom. His personal journey shows that we grow the most when we actively pursue growth and knowledge. His passion for self-discipline and personal development inspires leaders, encouraging them to keep learning and growing.

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42 MIN
From Church Building to Disciple-Making
NOV 1, 2023
From Church Building to Disciple-Making

In the unpredictable world of leadership, the power of discernment is vital. But what happens when spiritual activity is mistaken for the movement of God? What happens when we take our focus from building relationships and making disciples to building our churches?

Join Scott McClelland and Ken Brooks as they navigate the treacherous waters of leadership, uncovering the dangers that lie beneath the surface.

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  • Discover the transformative power of personal relationships and investment in building faith.
  • Avoid the pitfalls of mistaking spiritual activity for the true movement of God.
  • Shift your focus from church building to the vital task of discipleship.



Ken Brooks’s thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. His life is dedicated to the pursuit of lifelong learning, which he believes is the gateway to personal evolution and leadership. 

Ken is known for his patience and wisdom. His personal journey shows that we grow the most when we actively pursue growth and knowledge. His passion for self-discipleship and personal development acts as an inspiration for leaders, encouraging them to never stop learning and growing.

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43 MIN