Richard Butler
That's Teaching Life - Weekly podcast by Richard Butler for teachers to stay motivated and grow. Make sure that you sign up to keep informed about podcasts and free events
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Just let me know
Just do it - we hear this a lot.
Take on a project, don't worry you will learn what you need.
Never say no
Have you heard that.
Here's my experience!
Today I go against the advice that so many give.
I don't think now might be the best time for people to set up a business.
Take a listen and let me know what you think.
Have you checked in with yourself and others to make sure they are doing ok?
This week I heard some sad news, and it made me think that as teachers we need to make sure we are doing ok.
Let's be real, there is so much negativity in the teaching industry, I see it on FB and I have experienced both online and offline.
Tell me what you think
As we progress (and we must keep moving) we are going to encounter, haters, scammers, challenges and more.
In this episode I talk about this and more
These are the links I mentioned:
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