<description>I&amp;#8217;m starting to do my own Couch to 5K running plan that I created 9 years ago. Somehow, I have done the 5K to couch plan over the last few years. Gotta turn that around. I didn&amp;#8217;t even realize that the dedicated page for the C25K didn&amp;#8217;t work any more. Have a look a the Mad [&amp;#8230;]</description>

Mad Money Machine

Paul Boyer, MadMoneyMachine.com

Couch to 5K time

MAR 14, 2017-1 MIN
Mad Money Machine

Couch to 5K time

MAR 14, 2017-1 MIN


I&#8217;m starting to do my own Couch to 5K running plan that I created 9 years ago. Somehow, I have done the 5K to couch plan over the last few years. Gotta turn that around. I didn&#8217;t even realize that the dedicated page for the C25K didn&#8217;t work any more. Have a look a the Mad [&#8230;]