Pete Lutz
Adventures of the Federated Tec, Season 2, Episode 10: Who Killed Bob Teal?
In this exciting second-season finale, our hero gets an assignment that hits too close to home: Find the person who murdered another Federated operative, young Bob Teal. The Tec, along with San Francisco Police Detective George Dean, soon starts sniffing out the trail of the most obvious suspect...but our nameless protagonist eventually begins to wonder if maybe they're after the wrong guy.
Adapted by Pete Lutz from the story of the same name, originally published in the November, 1924 issue of True Detective magazine. Produced and directed by Pete Lutz. Mixing and mastering by 63audio, Corpus Christi, Texas.
Our cast consisted of the following Narada Radio Company players:
Darren Rockhold as THE ANNOUNCER
Pete Lutz as THE TEC
Joe Stofko as THE OLD MAN
Frank Guglielmelli as OGBURN
Ian Federgreen as BOB TEAL
Rhiannon McAfee as MAE LANDIS
Geri Elliff as THE LANDLADY
Jeff Moon as WHITACRE
The theme, and some incidental music, were composed and performed by Dr. Ross Bernhardt.
FEDERATED TEC FANS! We're happy to report that a third season is in the works. Scripts have been written for 11 episodes so far, with a likely four more to go. Each season gets longer than the previous one, because Hammett's stories, for the most part, kept getting longer, better, and more detailed, as his writing skills improved. As a huge fan of Hammett for more than 40 years, I have no desire to condense these longer tales, preferring instead to split them, as you saw in S2, into multi-episode dramas -- S2 alone had three longer stories split into two-parters, for example. Well, S3 will have both two- and three-part story arcs, full of the Hammett hard-boiled style, full of intrigue, and full of the unusual characters he was famous for. You won't wanna miss it!
Here's the line-up for Season Three -- and just for simplicity's sake, we'll be shortening our series title to The Federated Tec:
1. Mike, Alec, or Rufus?
2-3. The Whosis Kid
4-5. The Scorched Face
6-8. Corkscrew
9-11. The Daiwan of Chinatown (orig. title Dead Yellow Women)
12-14. The Gutting of Couffignal
15. The Creeping Siamese