More Brains!
More Brains!
Podcast dedicated to covering all things zombie related (Movies, TV, Comics, Music and Video Games)
Recent Episodes
DEC 5, 2016
Podcast 10 (Walking Dead S7E6)
Podcast :Day 10 The Walking Dead On this podcast, Dee Dee and I discuss episodes 6 of the Walking Dead . Once again, episode 6 is a return to a “bottle episode” format. In addition, we further analyze the reasons for the fall of their ratings.
52 MIN
NOV 27, 2016
Podcast 9 (The Walking Dead S7E2-5)
Podcast :Day 9 The Walking Dead On this podcast, Dee Dee and I discuss episodes 2 through 5 of the Walking Dead . I am still into the TV series but Dee Dee might be losing interest.
56 MIN
OCT 28, 2016
Podcast 8 (The Walking Dead S7E1)
Podcast 8:Day 8 The Walking Dead (S7E1) On this podcast, Dee Dee and I discuss the season premiere of the Walking Dead and our experience being in the audience for the Talking Dead. This one was brutal!
86 MIN
OCT 18, 2016
Podcast 7: Ghost Breakers (1940)
Podcast 7:Day 7 Ghost Breakers (1940) On this podcast, Dee Dee and I discuss the film Ghost Breakers (1940) featuring Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard. After intrepid working girl Mary Carter (Paulette Goddard) becomes the new owner of a reputedly haunt...
50 MIN
AUG 3, 2016
Podcast 6 (J’accuse 1936)
Podcast 6:Day 6 J’accuse (1938) After serving in the trenches of World War I, Jean Diaz recoils with such horror that he renounces love and personal pleasure to immerse himself in scientific research, seeking a machine to prevent war.
73 MIN
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