FTW [Moore Peter]

SEP 24, 20081 MIN
Kombo Podcasts

FTW [Moore Peter]

SEP 24, 20081 MIN


Casey and Sascha are back for another fun-filled edition of FTW! On this week’s episode: Will today’s games be remembered as “classics” the way 8-bit games are today? Can they ever have the same level of cultural penetration? Peter Moore wanted to buy Nintendo, knew the Wii meant trouble and loves talking to British newspapers at length. Peter Molyneux is also named Peter, is the mastermind behind Fable 2 and had some interesting comments about developers that make casual games. How do you pronounce his name, anyway? Activision might be on the road to becoming Acclaim. Ouch. …and much, much more! If you’re not yet subscribed, go to http://feeds.feedburner.com/KomboNetwork to subscribe today!
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