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We are heading back into the wholesome lab to re-jig our format so we are creating the best possible show for you all. Nothing is sacred during this rebuild so we are tearing it all apart! We'll be back under a different name, with a different show, still presented by your two favourite truant beer-wielding academics! See you in the future!
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In the 1990s, Samuel T. Cohen, the father of the neutron bomb, became extremely vocal about the fact that the Soviets had discovered a new raw material that could potentially spell the end of organised society. Red mercury had hit the market.
Apparently, when detonated in combination with conventional high explosives, it could create city-flattening blasts like a nuclear bomb. And, it would help make nuclear fusion weapons more efficient and considerably smaller. It was an arms dealer’s dream!
In theory, red mercury could produce enormous pressures and temperatures, sufficient to initiate a mini pure fusion explosion. Traditionally, fusion weapons need a fission component to trigger the deuterium fusion. However, with red mercury, this fission step is supposedly unnecessary. Cohen described it as a remarkably non-exploding high explosive. Sounds like something from a Marvel movie right?
00:00 Samuel T. Cohen Concerns About New Raw Material
03:05 Red Mercury: Doomsday Dreams
07:41 Mass Destruction or Myth?
10:06 Red Mercury Hoaxes
14:23 Cohen Claims Red Mercury Exists
17:28 Frank Barnaby’s Investigations
23:30 Scammers and Fake Red Mercury
31:12 The Mystical and Sexual Properties of Mercury
41:16 The Enduring Red Mercury Scam
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Born just outside Vienna, Austria in November 1860, Hanns Hörbiger was an engineer by trade. He invented a steel valve for a blast furnace blowing engine which changed the game for efficient steel production. He also played a key role in the design and construction of the Budapest subway, the third in the world at the time. He was obviously a clever man. A real thinker. And some might say, a complete nut job.
A keen astronomer, one evening Hörbiger pointed his telescope at the moon and suddenly realised, it was all made of ice. It was so shiny! How could it not be ice? He looked at Mars. He looked at Neptune. He looked at the Milky Way…Everything in the cosmos was ice. And not only was it made of ice, but ice was the driving force of the entire universe.
Strangely, the German scientific community at the time thought Hörbiger was bonkers and didn’t pay attention to anything he said. World War I was happening so, you know, people had other things to think about.
But Hörbiger was not dissuaded. He became a total zealot and decided that all he needed to do was convince the masses of his ideas. Then the academic scientists would be pressured to agree.
00:00 The Dark Side of the German Students Union
03:12 Hans Hörbiger: Engineer & Inventor
05:35 Hörbiger's Cosmic Ice Theory
06:25 A Prophetic Dream and Pendulum Science
11:09 The Origin of the Solar System According to Hörbiger
17:23 Cults and Cosmic Theories
19:14 Hobiger's Zeal and Post-War Tactics
20:16 The Rise of the World Ice Movement
22:38 Hitler Embraces World Ice Theory
29:52 The Pseudoscience Impact on Nazi Germany
33:39 The Downfall and Legacy of the World Ice Theory
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Humans love a good apocalypse. Give us a blockbuster about a virus that obliterates the population, an asteroid that wipes out the entire planet, or anything with aliens and we lap it up. But have you ever thought about what will actually kill us at the finish line? Sure, we’d like to think the zombie apocalypse will be the winner, but if we’re talking about plausible ways to exterminate humanity, what’s a good way to go?
The end of the world as we know it isn’t all fiction. Life on Earth has come pretty close to getting wiped out a few times actually. Genetic analysis shows humanity plummeted to perilously low numbers—about 1,200 breeding humans (yes, we are all related)—when intense volcanic activity in Siberia caused global warming and wiped out 96% of plants and animals.
But life persisted. We might be inbred, but it seems total annihilation is harder to pull off than you think. The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago didn’t completely destroy the earth, and humans managed to scrape through the black plague. So what could be our final end?
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What do humans and lobsters have in common? Apart from the fact that both have social hierarchies and serotonin, not all that much really. Last time we checked, we don’t live underwater or have tasty claws.
But despite the differences, esteemed (and often controversial) Canadian psychologist and Harvard Professor, Jordan Peterson, has become rather well known for his theory linking human social hierarchies to lobsters.
The first rule in Peterson’s book is “Stand up straight with your shoulders back." Indeed, aggressive and dominant lobsters stand up to exert their authority. Lobsters also don’t really like each other much on the whole, except when they're trying to mate. Mostly they’re just trying to be macho and make all the other lobsters their subordinates. The males compete for the best territory to win access to most females.
So the moral of the story is, just be a dickhead because you’re the same as a lobster?
00:00 What is Sociobiology?
05:16 Jordan Peterson: Psychologist & traditionalist
12:57 12 Rules for Life: An Overview
15:52 Stand Up Straight with Your Shoulders Back
18:15 Lobster theory
20:01 Humans and Lobsters Exist in Hierarchies
23:22 The Science Behind Serotonin
26:31 Why Compare to the Lobster?
31:43 Cherry Picking to Illustrate Existing Beliefs
35:34 What’s Next on The Wholesome Show
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