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So, as we dive into the twelfth chapter of Luke again today, we’re going to spend some time thinking about Jesus’ teachings concerning the areas of greed, jealousy, drunkenness, gluttony, laziness and pride. Doesn’t that sound like fun? In all seriousness, some of the issues that Jesus brings up in our text today may not seem relevant to us because He was teaching in a first-century, middle-eastern context, but I can assure you that our twenty-first-century, western society is still dealing with these same heart issues today! So, let’s see what Jesus has to teach to His followers about their attitudes and actions in regard to their personal property.<br />
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Sermons – Temple Baptist Church of Rogers, AR

Pastors: Wade Allen, John O'Connor, Ron Fields, David McEuen

The Teachings of Christ about Personal Property

NOV 25, 202455 MIN
Sermons – Temple Baptist Church of Rogers, AR

The Teachings of Christ about Personal Property

NOV 25, 202455 MIN


So, as we dive into the twelfth chapter of Luke again today, we’re going to spend some time thinking about Jesus’ teachings concerning the areas of greed, jealousy, drunkenness, gluttony, laziness and pride. Doesn’t that sound like fun? In all seriousness, some of the issues that Jesus brings up in our text today may not&#8230;