"For the werewolf, their childhood is full of sleepparalysis and brief encounters with the world beyond. Fromnightmares to daydreams to out of body experiences,the Umbra haunts many young Garou-to-be and this world, orworlds, just beyond our own is the subject of this book."Authors: N. Conte, David Hill, Jeremy Kostiew,Danielle Lauzon, Chris Shaffer, Leath Sheales, FilamenaYoung, Eric ZawadzkiSupport the showhttps://linktr.ee/25YearsOfVtM

25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade

25 Years of Vampire: the Masquerade

Umbra: The Velvet Shadow WW20th

DEC 13, 202478 MIN
25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade

Umbra: The Velvet Shadow WW20th

DEC 13, 202478 MIN


"For the werewolf, their childhood is full of sleep
paralysis and brief encounters with the world beyond. From
nightmares to daydreams to out of body experiences,
the Umbra haunts many young Garou-to-be and this world, or
worlds, just beyond our own is the subject of this book."

Authors: N. Conte, David Hill, Jeremy Kostiew,
Danielle Lauzon, Chris Shaffer, Leath Sheales, Filamena
Young, Eric Zawadzki

Support the show
