"Welcome Dear Reader.In your hands, you hold the first of three booksdedicated to Sabbat the Schism, the Lore book.The idea for this book was born when TheBlack Hand: Sabbat sourcebook came out.Based on observations of the content, andhow it fit into the overaching metaplot acrosseditions, a simple idea was born: the Schism ofSabbat.The Black Hand was clearly the loyalist andshovelhead fraction of the Sword of Caine, thequestion was: where are the rest of our anti-Gehenna army."--Author"If yo...

25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade

25 Years of Vampire: the Masquerade

V5 Lore book Sabbat: The Schism

NOV 22, 202486 MIN
25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade

V5 Lore book Sabbat: The Schism

NOV 22, 202486 MIN


"Welcome Dear Reader.
In your hands, you hold the first of three books
dedicated to Sabbat the Schism, the Lore book.
The idea for this book was born when The
Black Hand: Sabbat sourcebook came out.
Based on observations of the content, and
how it fit into the overaching metaplot across
editions, a simple idea was born: the Schism of
The Black Hand was clearly the loyalist and
shovelhead fraction of the Sword of Caine, the
question was: where are the rest of our anti-
Gehenna army."

"If you are planning to use a bat as a weapon, then put a long stocking on the bat.
That way if someone tried to grab your bat, you can pull the bat out of their grip
and continue beating them up with YOUR baseball bat. But on the side note, why
do you even WANT to use a baseball bat? Do you not have claws? Do your not have
teeth? Do you not have your disciplines? You're a vampire. Act like one!"

CONCE P T: Amalia Leili Seren Vals and Miguel Marques da Silva
W R IT T E N B Y Amalia Leili Seren Vals
COW R IT ER S: Miguel Marques da Silva

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