<description>&lt;p&gt;Bob and Beth led family hikes at the &lt;a href= "https://www.arcofappalachia.org/" target="_blank" rel= "noreferrer noopener"&gt;Arc of Appalachia&lt;/a&gt; Highlands Nature Sanctuary in April of 2024. After the hikes they recorded a podcast with some of the hikers. Tune in to hear about wildflowers and more from the perspective of the children on the hike.&lt;span class= "Apple-converted-space"&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>

Nature Guys

Nature Guys

Wildflower Pilgrimage with Families

APR 30, 202415 MIN
Nature Guys

Wildflower Pilgrimage with Families

APR 30, 202415 MIN


Bob and Beth led family hikes at the Arc of Appalachia Highlands Nature Sanctuary in April of 2024. After the hikes they recorded a podcast with some of the hikers. Tune in to hear about wildflowers and more from the perspective of the children on the hike.