Fresh Take: Amanda Montell and the Age of Magical Overthinking

APR 19, 202439 MIN
What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood | Parenting Tips From Funny Moms

Fresh Take: Amanda Montell and the Age of Magical Overthinking

APR 19, 202439 MIN


Cognitive biases are self-deceptive thought patterns we all use to make sense of the world. In a world that makes less and less sense, Amanda Montell argues, humans have become more irrational than ever. In her new book THE AGE OF MAGICAL OVERTHINKING, Montell explains how our brains' coping mechanisms have become overloaded—and how to slow down our panic responses when the world becomes too overwhelming.

Amanda, Amy, and Margaret discuss:

  • How magical overthinking has manifested from the modern age of mass information overload and an epidemic of loneliness
  • The types of cognitive biases that comprise magical overthinking, such as the sunk cost fallacy, the halo effect, and proportionality bias
  • Strategies to combat the negative effects of magical overthinking

Here's where you can find Amanda:

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