For centuries, we could measure the health of our economy in terms of employed versus unemployed. But that’s outdated now. Victor Tan Chen says that the American workforce is precarious for Americans and no one is exempt. And: In the late 90s, students rode bikes naked across Virginia Tech’s college campus to protest sweatshop abuses overseas. The students were part of The United Students Against Sweatshops collective. Dale Wimberly says that the group protested labor conditions at overseas sweatshops where people made collegiate apparel. They never made structural changes, but they did expand workers' potential to unionize.
Later in the show: Right before World War I, Winston Churchill decided to power the British Navy’s ships with oil rather than coal. This made ships faster and enabled them to travel further. This change was thought to have been a reason for the Allies success in World War I. And it made oil more critical to national security. Andrea Wright says that labor strikes at oil production sites were dealt with harshly because they were seen as a threat to national security. Plus: After growing up witnessing child servitude first hand in Ghana, C. Nana Derby dedicated her life’s research to finding ways to end it. But what she found is that the laws that international courts pass do not translate to change on the ground.