The Movements History Podcast
Fulgencio Batista has fled Cuba and the Cuban Revolutionaries are victorious. As Fidel Castro implements a revolution from above, the Latin American bourgeoisie and Central Intelligence Agency plot a destabilization campaign (modeled after the 1954 coup against Jacobo Arbenz).
Guatemalan President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes invites the CIA to establish anti-communist training camps in Guatemala. In the opening shots of the Guatemalan Civil War, anti-Castro Cubans piloting CIA B-26s bomb rebel soldiers in defense of the coup regime.
Recalling his firsthand experience witnessing the CIA coup in Guatemala, Che Guevara takes a leading role in purging the Cuban Army of counter-revolutionaries. As the anti-Commmunist Cubans of Brigade 2506 prepare to invade the Bay of Pigs and roll back the Cuban Revolution, Che and Fidel take measures to ensure that Cuba 1961 will not become Guatemala 1954.
royalty free music by Giorgio Di Campo
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