I seek to establish insight into varieties of modeling that occur, recurrently, in students', teachers', and curriculum developers' experiences with The Geometer's Sketchpad. In this process, I attempt to contrast the conventional, practical sense of mathematical modeling-modeling of situations and phenomena to generate and predict plausible outcomes-to at least two other available forms or types of modeling practice, that I find especially relevant to mathematics education in their foundational didactic intent.

LSRI Speaker Series - Audio

Learning Sciences Research Institute

Nathalie Sinclair, Professor, Simon Fraser University

OCT 19, 200762 MIN
LSRI Speaker Series - Audio

Nathalie Sinclair, Professor, Simon Fraser University

OCT 19, 200762 MIN


I seek to establish insight into varieties of modeling that occur, recurrently, in students', teachers', and curriculum developers' experiences with The Geometer's Sketchpad. In this process, I attempt to contrast the conventional, practical sense of mathematical modeling-modeling of situations and phenomena to generate and predict plausible outcomes-to at least two other available forms or types of modeling practice, that I find especially relevant to mathematics education in their foundational didactic intent.