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My Podcasts
Eric Diamond
X-Oriente (Ex Oriente) means "From the East." X-Oriente is a podcast (MP3) dedicated to those Freemasons who are young (and young at heart). In each episode we will explore the ideas, the practice and the future of the Craft
Recent Episodes
MAR 2, 2021
144: Changing Our Minds
In the world of politics and the permanence of the Internet, many in society believe the phrase "a leopard doesn't change its spots." we often regard changing our minds as a sign of weakness, of waffling or flip-flopping. But the truth is, changing...
101 MIN
NOV 2, 2020
142: Cult or Craft?
Jason was watching The Vow...the documentary about the NXIVM cult, and started wondering if Freemasonry could be considered a cult. So we pulled out our instruments and did the math. What constitutes a cult anyway?
78 MIN
SEP 8, 2020
141: The Wright Stuff
Masonic writing and Masonic Research are different things: in this episode, Eric and Jason talk about Masonic writing, why it's important, and how to get started. October is Masonic Writing Month, so let's all get started!
84 MIN
SEP 2, 2020
140: The Q-Fecta
Back in July, we began (or re-began) some very uncomfortable conversations about race in America. Freemasonry's own story in the United States is woven from the threads of race relations among our people. In this episode, we talk with the Reverend...
113 MIN
APR 27, 2020
Each year, the Grand Masters of all the Grand Lodges in North America get together to discuss issues of importance to all regular Freemasons in their jurisdictions, and build consensus. Jason, because of his day job, was privileged to attend the...
80 MIN
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