Classic Kidd Kraddick Flashbacks
Remember that moment from Kidd Kraddick in the Morning a few years ago that just made you laugh out loud?!Check out some of the classic moments here!
Recent Episodes
MAY 12, 2022
J-Si's Short-Lived World Record Win (2018)
J-Si always wanted to break a world record and he did on a very public stage.. just to have his record shattered and stolen immediately! From 2018.
17 MIN
APR 28, 2022
You're Putting Too Much Weight On The Chip! (2013)
Kidd Kraddick had a very peculiar reason why he wanted to avoid Mexican restaurants… He has a serious problem with how people eat chips and salsa! From 5/9/13.
APR 14, 2022
Big Al's Easter Song (2011)
He had one job... Finish the Easter lyrics. Sure, there was a rocky start but Big Al derailed everyone with his lyrics! From 2011.
APR 7, 2022
Big Al Ruins A Bathroom... Bit (2000)
Big Al was sent out to a restaurant to pull a stunt… and he ruined it! But don’t worry.. Kidd Kraddick was on the phone with him and told him to go in an entirely different direction! Were they able to pull together as a team and save the bit? And...
12 MIN
MAR 24, 2022
Kidd's Bad Hair Dye (2013)
Kidd Kraddick told his hairdresser to dye his hair his natural color... This was NOT what he meant at all! How does everyone react when Kidd walks in with jet black hair? By making lots of jokes of course! From 2013.
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