The Acting Podcast
The Acting Podcast

The Acting Podcast

Risa Bramon Garcia and Steve Braun



The Acting Podcast with Risa Bramon Garcia (director, casting director, producer) & Steve Braun (acting coach, communication consultant), founders of The BGB Studio, takes you inside the craft, the casting room, and the business- and bringing other Industry experts into the conversation- we dig into the work, pull back the curtain of the Industry, and show you how much power you really have as an artist.

Recent Episodes

Ep. 57: Stepping into Abundance
OCT 7, 2024
Ep. 57: Stepping into Abundance

An actor's mindset can make or break a career. Your job is to open your heart, remain sensitive and open. And you’re asked to do that job in an Industry that doesn't have the capacity to care for your needs and in which scarcity is the norm. You will lose faith. It’s inevitable. But how gracefully you can find it again is the difference between auditioning with the full power of your talent, and allowing fear and self-consciousness to drain you of your power when you’re trying to book work. 

Risa and Steve examine what it takes to create and maintain the kind of abundant mindset that leads to success, even when you’re losing faith. 

Listen in and let us know what resonates with you!

“If you hear a voice within you say, 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent Van Gogh.

More On Risa

More On Steve

Subscribe! And if you're loving the Podcast, leave a review and rating!

Your words will help connect us all and bring these valuable conversations to even more actors- and other artists- around the world.

AND… Screenshot, post + tag us @bgbstudio on IG!

‍If you’ve missed any episodes, catch up now!

Guests & Resources:

Listen to other related episodes: 

EPISODE 22: The Booking Mindset

EPISODE 42: That Next Level Shit

EPISODE 43: How To Be A Happy Actor

EPISODE 45: The Healing Required to Be an Actor






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Meet us on Instagram and other social spaces where we hang out — with tons more great advice, inspiration, and Industry intel.

@BGBStudio on IG + Twitter + TikTok + @theBGBStudio on Facebook. ‍‍

CHECK OUT our Audition, Scene-Study, and Hybrid Classes!
SIGN UP for our BGB Group Career Coaching series!

JOIN US for The BGB Actors Summit: A virtual workshop with Risa & Steve

The BGB Sit-Down is back! Meet Risa + Sydney in our Studio

Are You Ready For Class?

All BGB Classes

69 MIN
Ep. 56: Risa & Anthony Meindl in Process
AUG 28, 2024
Ep. 56: Risa & Anthony Meindl in Process

Risa talked on Zoom with with Anthony Meindl of fellow acting studio, AMAW (which is Anthony Meindl's Acting Workshop) about EVERYTHING… about art, big tech, climate change, self-tapes, casting, how Tik Tok is killing our attention span, and how things are really really hard right now. They talked about both getting started in the NY theatre and the power of community, and, something that resonates for us at BGB a well... being in process always, and being an artist first. It was a great conversation and we want to share it with all of you. So no matter where you are in your journey or how you are feeling about where the Industry is, or isn’t, have a listen and see how this affects you, and if it brings up feelings, pay attention to them. Let us know what resonated for you!

More On Risa

More On Steve

Subscribe! And if you're loving the Podcast, leave a review and rating!

Your words will help connect us all and bring these valuable conversations to even more actors- and other artists- around the world.

AND… Screenshot, post + tag us @bgbstudio on IG!

‍If you’ve missed any episodes, catch up now!

Guests & Resources:

Check out Anthony’s website HERE learn more about his work with actors!

Listen to other related episodes:

EPISODE 55: What Are You Waiting For? You Are The Industry.

EPISODE 54: What Does It Take to Make It Now?

EPISODE 52: How to Stand Out from Hundreds of Other Actors

EPISODE 42: That Next Level Shit

EPISODE 28: The Practice That Leads to Success


Tech + Design:

The BGB Sit-Down is back! Meet Risa + Sydney in our Studio

Are You Ready For Class?

All BGB Classes

61 MIN
Ep. 55: What are You Waiting For? You Are The Industry.
JUN 13, 2024
Ep. 55: What are You Waiting For? You Are The Industry.

Risa sat down with some of our amazing BGB teachers (Cate Cohen, Sydney Walsh, Corey Parker, and David DeSantos) for an inspiring conversation about redefining your relationship with the Industry. About how to successfully step into your power in your work, your art, and your career. What leadership looks like so that you're in the driver’s seat, not waiting for the Industry to invite you in. Why we all need a community in which to be creative, to grow, to thrive- we were never meant to do this alone. How to become a creative force and impact your audiences… the Industry. And how the power of an artistic practice will sustain you for a lifelong career.

Listen in, or watch these brilliant, generous, kind, talented artists and teachers share their insights and experience. We’re inspired!



Subscribe! And if you're loving the Podcast, leave a review and rating!

Your words will help connect us all and bring these valuable conversations to even more actors- and other artists- around the world.

AND… Screenshot, post + tag us @bgbstudio on IG!

‍If you’ve missed any episodes, catch up now!

Guests & Resources:

Click here to learn more about Sydney Walsh!

Click here to learn more about Corey Parker!

Click here to learn more about Cate Cohen!

Click here to learn more about David DeSantos!

Check out the books David mentions in the episode:

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

The Actor and the Target by Declan Donnellan

The Art Spirit by Robert Henri

The Plays of Anton Chekhov

Listen to other podcasts with our BGB Master Teachers!

Ep. 54: What Does It Take to Make It Now?

Ep. 53: Finding Freedom & Power in Script Analysis

Ep. 43: How To Be A Happy Actor





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Meet us on Instagram and other social spaces where we hang out — with tons more great advice, inspiration, and Industry intel.

@BGBStudio on IG + Twitter + TikTok + @theBGBStudio on Facebook. ‍‍

Audition, Scene-Study, and Hybrid Classes!
SIGN UP for our BGB Group Career Coaching series!

JOIN US for The BGB Actors Summit: A virtual workshop with Risa & Steve

The BGB Sit-Down is back! Meet Risa + Sydney in our Studio

Are You Ready For Class?

All BGB Classes

71 MIN
Ep. 54: What Does It Take to Make it Now?
MAY 14, 2024
Ep. 54: What Does It Take to Make it Now?

Change is the only constant and the changes have come fast and hard. So what is the Industry now? What does it mean to be an Actor right now? What does it take to make it today?  Risa and Steve discuss the current state of Industry, what actors can expect from the Industry and the essential shifts actors need to make right now to position themselves for success. Listen in and let us know how this resonates with you.



Subscribe! And if you're loving the Podcast, leave a review and rating!

Your words will help connect us all and bring these valuable conversations to even more actors- and other artists- around the world.

AND… Screenshot, post + tag us @bgbstudio on IG!

‍If you’ve missed any episodes, catch up now!

Guests & Resources:

Listen to other related episodes: 

EPISODE 52: How to Stand Out from Hundreds of Other Actors

EPISODE 49: How to Redefine Your Career For This Moment

EPISODE 42: That Next Level Shit

EPISODE 28: The Practice That Leads to Success

EPISODE 50: The Strike is Over. Here’s What to Do Now

EPISODE 49: How To Redefine Your Career For This Moment

Join us in class today!








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Meet us on Instagram and other social spaces where we hang out — with tons more great advice, inspiration, and Industry intel.

@BGBStudio on IG + Twitter + TikTok + @theBGBStudio on Facebook. ‍‍

Audition, Scene-Study, and Hybrid Classes!
SIGN UP for our BGB Group Career Coaching series!

JOIN US for The BGB Actors Summit: A virtual workshop with Risa & Steve

The BGB Sit-Down is back! Meet Risa + Steve in our Studio

Are You Ready For Class?

All BGB Classes

62 MIN
Ep. 53: Finding Freedom & Power in Script Analysis
FEB 27, 2024
Ep. 53: Finding Freedom & Power in Script Analysis

“Script Analysis” is an often misunderstood term that can result in an actor robbing a scene of its art by reducing it to mathematical calculations. Some actors love the idea of script analysis so they can “solve” the scene and control it. Other actors abandon the idea of script analysis altogether because they are afraid of adding any structure to their art. The truth of Script Analysis is more interesting and dynamic. BGB Master Teachers, Cate Cohen, Sydney Walsh, and Corey Parker, sit down with Risa and Steve to talk about the dance between structure and fluidity in your preparation, and how to use Script Analysis to find freedom and power in your work. 

Guests & Resources:

Learn more about our wonderful teachers: 

Sydney Walsh - BGB Master Teacher, actor, writer, director

Cate Cohen - BGB Master Teacher, actor, writer

Corey Parker - BGB Master Teacher, actor, coach

Listen to other related episodes: 

Episode 6: The Secret To Successful Preparation

Episode 42: That Next Level Shit

Gifts & Opt-ins:

The Perfect Imperfect Self-Tape

21 Ways To Make Casting Directors Happy 

What Casting Wants

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Meet us on Instagram and other social spaces where we hang out — with tons more great advice, inspiration, and Industry intel.

@BGBStudio on IG + Twitter + TikTok + @theBGBStudio on Facebook. ‍‍

CHECK OUT our Audition, Scene-Study, and Hybrid Classes!
SIGN UP for our BGB Group Career Coaching series!

JOIN US for The BGB Actors Summit: A virtual workshop with Risa & Steve
The BGB Sit-Down is back! Meet Risa + Steve in our Studio

Are You Ready For Class?

All BGB Classes

79 MIN