On this episode of Discography Discussion we dive into the four albums by Norwegian band In Vain, a band with their own flavor of progressive extreme metal. Dan struggles with his lack of comprehension for the composition of these songs, and can't figure out if the band or he himself are the problem. Have Dan and Joe met their match on this one? Find out now! Enjoy! #discussmetal #invain
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Album of the week
Dan - Circle Back “Terminus”
Joe - Final Light “Final Light”
Media Mentioned In This Episode:
Episode 241: Nile - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast241
Episode 268: Symphony X with Jon and Brian of Talking Into Infinity - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast268
Episode 280: Atheist - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast280
Episode 281: The Red Chord - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast281
Episode 278: Rivers of Nihil - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast278