Go big or go home! It’s finally time for Discography Discussion to talk about Van Halen. Joined by Jon Drake of the Nerfherder Council, Joe leads the charge into this mighty band’s discography. Expect plenty of Eddie and Alex fanboy moments on this one. While the core of this band has not changed much over time, and fans can be polar opposite when it comes to who the singer is, there is no doubting Van Halen’s influence on so many guitar players and heavy metal bands. No one can hold back this eruption, so strap in and enjoy! #discussmetal #vanhalen
Check out The Nerf Herder Council at http://nerfherdercouncil.com and Talking Into Infinity everywhere you listen to podcasts.
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Album of the week
Joe - Tourniquet “Vanishing Lessons”
Jon - Van Halen “Live Without a Net”
Media Mentioned In This Episode:
Episode 030: Dream Theater Complete with Jon Drake of Talk Toomey Podcast - http://bit.ly/DDDreamTheaterComplete
Episode 282: Atreyu - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast282
Episode 157: Today Is The Day with Stephen Sarro of Unteachers - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast157
Episode 268: Symphony X with Jon and Brian of Talking Into Infinity - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast268