Engl NasCast
It's a podcast where we talk about science, technology and mostly simulation.
Recent Episodes
JUL 12, 2017
Engl NasCast 10: Windtunnels
This week we had an interesting topic, and some new to share with all of you.
61 MIN
JUL 2, 2017
Episode 9: Our favorite books
This week we relaxed a little bit our topic, and we share one of our favorite books. Please enjoy
68 MIN
JUN 25, 2017
Episode 8: Interview with an Astrophycisist
This week we have Sara Coutiño as a guest and she's and Ph.D student of Astrophisics. She will tlak us about the REA (Astrophicics Students Reunion)
56 MIN
JUN 14, 2017
Engl NasCast 7: Cubesats
This wee in Engl Nascast we have a surprise to you and to celebrate it we will talk about CubeSats
59 MIN
MAY 31, 2017
Episode 6: AMD
This week in NasCast we discussed about the new processor from AMD the threadripper, also we had a high level view of Who is AMD.
54 MIN
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