<description>&lt;div&gt;January 8, 2021 / Rabia and Susan discuss the domestic terrorist attack on Capitol Hill, vaccine distribution, Georgia's Senate runoff election results and the latest covid news.&lt;br&gt;
Episode scoring music by Broke for Free.&lt;br&gt;
#the45th #45thpod&lt;/div&gt;

The 45th

Audioboom Studios

175: Insurrection

JAN 9, 202167 MIN
The 45th

175: Insurrection

JAN 9, 202167 MIN


<div>January 8, 2021 / Rabia and Susan discuss the domestic terrorist attack on Capitol Hill, vaccine distribution, Georgia's Senate runoff election results and the latest covid news.<br> <br> Episode scoring music by Broke for Free.<br> <br> #the45th #45thpod</div>