Episode 39 “What is Love?” 18 Degrees Below Horizon

JUL 12, 2020-1 MIN
18 Degrees Below Horizon

Episode 39 “What is Love?” 18 Degrees Below Horizon

JUL 12, 2020-1 MIN


Fall in and out, at first site, Tina Turner calls it a second hand emotion while Extreme sings that love is more than worlds. Love, the noun, will grow stagnant without Love, the verb, putting it into action and giving it value. Love is a myth to those who get none and there are so many different ways of showing it. Bushido love (demanded/expected), Love American Style, French love. Love Thy Neighbor is balanced with “as you love yourself” but what if the giver has no self love? So what is love? Emotion? An endorphin rush? A device for manipulating for self gain? A drug of choice? Money can’t buy it say the Beetles but that’s just the emotional side. Money buys the fleshly love. Love is inseparably connected with trust in my opinion. Love is not Lust, but libido plays a huge role in energizing and sustaining love. People look for their soul mate and limit it to only romantic love and miss golden opportunities for nurturing symbiosis. It is different to everyone. So what is love and why do we feel we must have it?