Tensions high as the presidential election draws near, personal phones lawfully tracked to abortion clinics, and influential hip-hop producer Clark Kent passes from colon cancer. Myles interviews award winning author and producer George Johnson about their newest book titled Flamboyants: The Queer Harlem Renaissance I Wish I’d Known.

Pod Save the People

[email protected] (Don Calloway, Myles E. Johnson, DeRay McKesson)

George Johnson on Narrative Reclamation

OCT 29, 202486 MIN
Pod Save the People

George Johnson on Narrative Reclamation

OCT 29, 202486 MIN


Tensions high as the presidential election draws near, personal phones lawfully tracked to abortion clinics, and influential hip-hop producer Clark Kent passes from colon cancer. Myles interviews award winning author and producer George Johnson about their newest book titled Flamboyants: The Queer Harlem Renaissance I Wish I’d Known



DJ Clark Kent, influential hip-hop producer, reportedly dies after battle with colon cancer

It’s Possible to Track Someone’s Personal Phone to an Abortion Clinic. And It’s Legal Too.

Dance Party with Beyoncé (Remix)


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