When I receive multiple questions from my listeners around the same topic I know it's time to do a podcast episode about it. &nbsp;But not all questions warrant a full episode but can still be useful to answer.So that's exactly what I did in this episode. &nbsp;I gathered 5 questions that came from you, my listeners (through email and social media) and answered them here.If you like this format let me know and maybe we can make a series out of it!In this episode I talk about:* Older puppy (9 months) rejecting the crate overnight (1:19).&nbsp;* When its OK to leave your puppy for 2 weeks (4:02).* Can you move their crate around or use two different crates? (5:47).* How to deal with a picky eater (6:58).* How many litters should a breeder have at one time? (8:07).Press play and enjoy!Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:<a href="https://www.playtimepaws.com/episode18/" target="_blank" class="" style="outline: none;">YNP #018</a>: Ditch the Bowl and Make Mealtime an Event<a href="https://www.playtimepaws.com/episode84/" target="_blank" class="" style="outline: none;">YNP #084</a>: My Favorite DIY Puzzle Feeders<a href="http://www.playtimepaws.com/academy" class="" style="outline: none;">Playtime Paws Academy</a>: &nbsp;A membership for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.<br />
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Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

Debbie Cilento: Dog Trainer | Dog Behavior Consultant | Owner of Playtime Paws | Belly Rub Specialist

YNP #091: Listener Questions

JAN 17, 202411 MIN
Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

YNP #091: Listener Questions

JAN 17, 202411 MIN


When I receive multiple questions from my listeners around the same topic I know it's time to do a podcast episode about it.  

But not all questions warrant a full episode but can still be useful to answer.

So that's exactly what I did in this episode.  I gathered 5 questions that came from you, my listeners (through email and social media) and answered them here.

If you like this format let me know and maybe we can make a series out of it!

In this episode I talk about:

  • Older puppy (9 months) rejecting the crate overnight (1:19)
  • When its OK to leave your puppy for 2 weeks (4:02).
  • Can you move their crate around or use two different crates? (5:47).
  • How to deal with a picky eater (6:58).
  • How many litters should a breeder have at one time? (8:07).

Press play and enjoy!

Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

YNP #018: Ditch the Bowl and Make Mealtime an Event

YNP #084: My Favorite DIY Puzzle Feeders

Playtime Paws Academy:  A membership for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.


The post YNP #091: Listener Questions appeared first on Playtime Paws.