What is dog fitness? &nbsp;Brittni of Potential Unleased Idaho has joined me to answer that question and then some.Brittni talks to us about dog fitness and how it can prevents injuries, builds confidence, and work both body and mind.&nbsp;Of course, we also talked a lot about puppies and how to keep our their muscles and joints safe and happy while their little bodies are growing.I had to take my own notes during this interview! &nbsp;To learn more from Brittni, check out her resources below.&nbsp;In this episode we talk about:* What is dog fitness?* How much exercise should our puppies get?&nbsp;* How to keep our puppy's joints and muscles safe as they grow.* Some safe and fun exercises for puppies.* How to adjust exercises for different breeds and sizes.* Tips for aging dogs.Press play and enjoy!Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:<a href="https://www.playtimepaws.com/potty-training-puppy/" class="" style="outline: none;" target="_blank">Potential Unleashed Idaho</a>: &nbsp;Brittni's website with all her services and blog posts to learn more information about her and dog fitness.&nbsp;<a href="https://www.facebook.com/potentialunleashedidaho" class="" style="outline: none;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Potential Unleashed Idaho on Facebook</a><a href="https://www.instagram.com/potentialunleashedidaho/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Potential Unleashed Idaho on Instagram</a><a href="http://www.playtimepaws.com/puppy" class="" style="outline: none;" rel="nofollow">YOUR Perfect Puppy's course</a>: &nbsp;A 4 week course to build the foundation of you and your new puppy's life together.&nbsp;<br />
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Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

Debbie Cilento: Dog Trainer | Dog Behavior Consultant | Owner of Playtime Paws | Belly Rub Specialist

YNP #093: Dog Fitness: Keeping Your Puppy Fit and Safe with Brittni

APR 19, 202436 MIN
Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

YNP #093: Dog Fitness: Keeping Your Puppy Fit and Safe with Brittni

APR 19, 202436 MIN


What is dog fitness?  Brittni of Potential Unleased Idaho has joined me to answer that question and then some.

Brittni talks to us about dog fitness and how it can prevents injuries, builds confidence, and work both body and mind. 

Of course, we also talked a lot about puppies and how to keep our their muscles and joints safe and happy while their little bodies are growing.

I had to take my own notes during this interview!  To learn more from Brittni, check out her resources below. 

In this episode we talk about:

  • What is dog fitness?
  • How much exercise should our puppies get? 
  • How to keep our puppy's joints and muscles safe as they grow.
  • Some safe and fun exercises for puppies.
  • How to adjust exercises for different breeds and sizes.
  • Tips for aging dogs.

Press play and enjoy!

Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

Potential Unleashed Idaho:  Brittni's website with all her services and blog posts to learn more information about her and dog fitness. 

Potential Unleashed Idaho on Facebook

Potential Unleashed Idaho on Instagram

YOUR Perfect Puppy's course:  A 4 week course to build the foundation of you and your new puppy's life together. 


The post YNP #093: Dog Fitness: Keeping Your Puppy Fit and Safe with Brittni appeared first on Playtime Paws.