Just about every dog is going to have some trouble with the hot weather. &nbsp;For some dogs even a slight elevation in temperature will find them seeking out the shade and wanting shorter walks.&nbsp;The heat itself can be tiring for a dog so it tends to shorten walks and activity. &nbsp;This will result in us having to find creative ways to entertain our dog and burn some energy.&nbsp;For this episode I reached right into my Enrichment Database (available with YOUR Perfect Puppy) to find some activities that are perfect for a hot day. &nbsp;I have you covered if you want to play with water, sit in the shade with a frozen treat, or stay inside and avoid the heat altogether.Enjoy!&nbsp;In this episode I talk about:* Dogs that are sensitive to the heat.* How to recognize heat stroke in a dog.&nbsp;* Different types of water activities to try with your pup.* Different types of frozen treats to make for your pup.* Indoor activities to avoid the heat all together.Press play and enjoy!Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:Articles on heat stroke in dogs:* <a href="https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/heat-stroke-in-dogs" target="_blank" class="" style="outline: none;">https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/heat-stroke-in-dogs</a>* <a href="https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/heatstroke-in-dogs/" target="_blank" class="" style="outline: none;">https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/heatstroke-in-dogs/</a><a href="https://playtimepaws.mykajabi.com/TrainingGame" target="_blank">Rover Round Robin</a>: &nbsp;A fun family recall game you can turn into hide and seek (request the step by step directions)<a href="http://www.playtimepaws.com/puppy" class="" style="outline: none;">YOUR New Puppy</a>: &nbsp;My signature new puppy course that has helped hundreds of new puppy parents raise their puppies.<br />
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Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

Debbie Cilento: Dog Trainer | Dog Behavior Consultant | Owner of Playtime Paws | Belly Rub Specialist

YNP #097: Hot Weather Activities for Your Dog

JUL 12, 202415 MIN
Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

YNP #097: Hot Weather Activities for Your Dog

JUL 12, 202415 MIN


Just about every dog is going to have some trouble with the hot weather.  

For some dogs even a slight elevation in temperature will find them seeking out the shade and wanting shorter walks. 

The heat itself can be tiring for a dog so it tends to shorten walks and activity.  This will result in us having to find creative ways to entertain our dog and burn some energy. 

For this episode I reached right into my Enrichment Database (available with YOUR Perfect Puppy) to find some activities that are perfect for a hot day.  

I have you covered if you want to play with water, sit in the shade with a frozen treat, or stay inside and avoid the heat altogether.


In this episode I talk about:

  • Dogs that are sensitive to the heat.
  • How to recognize heat stroke in a dog. 
  • Different types of water activities to try with your pup.
  • Different types of frozen treats to make for your pup.
  • Indoor activities to avoid the heat all together.

Press play and enjoy!

Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

Articles on heat stroke in dogs:

Rover Round Robin:  A fun family recall game you can turn into hide and seek (request the step by step directions)

YOUR New Puppy:  My signature new puppy course that has helped hundreds of new puppy parents raise their puppies.


The post YNP #097: Hot Weather Activities for Your Dog appeared first on Playtime Paws.