<description>&lt;p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"&gt;Preaching: Ben Conachan&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"&gt;The word “disappointment” refers to the sorrow that we often feel as a result of our unfulfilled hopes or expectations. But is sorrow the only outcome of disappointment? According to the Season of Lent and way of Jesus, difficult human experiences—even death itself—are imbued with unexpected surprises and possibilities. During this Season of Lent we’ll explore the life of Moses and his many disappointments. We’ll make space to lament our own experiences of disappointment while being intentional to consider the potential gifts that disappointment affords. Our desire is that this series grows our capacity to hold both sorrow and hope, in the midst of the sincere disappointment that we all encounter.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"&gt;&lt;em&gt;Pearl Church exists to express a sacred story and to extend a common table that animate life by love. A primary expression of our sacred story is the weekly sermon. If our sermons inspire you to ponder the sacred, to consider the mystery and love of God, and to live bountifully, would you consider supporting our work? You can donate easily and securely at our website: &lt;/em&gt;&lt;a href="http://www.pearlchurch.org/"&gt;pearlchurch.org&lt;/a&gt;&lt;em&gt;. Thank you for partnering with us in expressing this sacred story.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>

Pearl Church Sermons

Pearl Church Preaching Team


MAR 24, 202423 MIN
Pearl Church Sermons


MAR 24, 202423 MIN


Preaching: Ben Conachan

The word “disappointment” refers to the sorrow that we often feel as a result of our unfulfilled hopes or expectations. But is sorrow the only outcome of disappointment? According to the Season of Lent and way of Jesus, difficult human experiences—even death itself—are imbued with unexpected surprises and possibilities. During this Season of Lent we’ll explore the life of Moses and his many disappointments. We’ll make space to lament our own experiences of disappointment while being intentional to consider the potential gifts that disappointment affords. Our desire is that this series grows our capacity to hold both sorrow and hope, in the midst of the sincere disappointment that we all encounter.

Pearl Church exists to express a sacred story and to extend a common table that animate life by love. A primary expression of our sacred story is the weekly sermon. If our sermons inspire you to ponder the sacred, to consider the mystery and love of God, and to live bountifully, would you consider supporting our work? You can donate easily and securely at our website: pearlchurch.org. Thank you for partnering with us in expressing this sacred story.