Sabbath Lounge Interviews the creators of KMSR 1700, Introducing Jackie and Two Feathers! They have created a 24/7 Torah Radio that is free for all to use. Please check them out and stream their content. Tune in and listen to see how you can help! What a blessing to the Torah community! Musicians, Artist, and all Torah content creators, please contact them if you are interested in having your content on the radio.

KMSR 1700 Home

Live Radio Link

Ask Seek and Knock Site

KMSR 1700 Study and Music Credits



Sabbath Lounge

Sabbath Lounge Interviews the creators of, Introducing Jackie and Two Feathers!

FEB 2, 2024109 MIN

Sabbath Lounge Interviews the creators of, Introducing Jackie and Two Feathers!

FEB 2, 2024109 MIN


Sabbath Lounge Interviews the creators of, Introducing Jackie and Two Feathers! They have created a 24/7 Torah Radio that is free for all to use.


Please check them out and stream their content. Tune in and listen to see how you can help!


What a blessing to the Torah community!


Calling torah centered musicians, artist, and content creators, please contact our guest if you are interested in having your content on the radio.


Check out their links below. 


KMSR 1700 Home

Live Radio Link

Ask Seek and Knock Site

KMSR 1700 Study and Music Credits



The episode also addresses the complexity and depth of spiritual battles we face each day. Our guests stress the danger of complacency and the importance of seeking God's guidance constantly, stepping out of our comfort zones for significant growth.

Additionally, this episode bears testament to the growth and evolution of their radio station, showcasing an appreciation for diversity through music and teachings promoting the scriptures.

From discussing personal growth and acceptance of past mistakes to highlighting the benefits and challenges of Torah-centric music, this podcast episode invites listeners on a captivating journey of discovery and faith-led transformation.


Tune in to be a part of this enriching dialogue and enrich your understanding of self-discovery, faith transformation, and spiritual awakening.


Music-from a paid Canva Account Your Colors (inst) Erloom ft Shanice Antonia Content found during: 0:00 - 0:19