2018 End Of Year Appeal

DEC 17, 20188 MIN
The JCast Network Total Feed

2018 End Of Year Appeal

DEC 17, 20188 MIN


JCast JourneyIn this episode of The JCast Journey, host Darone Ruskay returns for his semi-annual request for support.

Have you been listening to JCast Network podcasts for days, weeks, months, years? Well as we say, podcasts are free to listen to, but not free to produce. Darone discusses some the cost of keeping the network afloat, and invites you, our listener to join in and help support our work. Donating is easy, just visit http://jcastnetwork.org/donate and show your support.

Where do you listen to JCast Network podcasts? You know that this show is available on iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher, and Spotify!

As you are thinking about your end of year tax-deductible donations, please consider donating to help support our network. Please donate at http://JCastNetwork.org/donate.