Soul Sessions by CreativeMind
Soul Sessions by CreativeMind

Soul Sessions by CreativeMind

Debra Berndt Maldonado and Robert Maldonado PhD Life Coach Training and Personal Transformation Experts



Consciously create your life with Soul Sessions by CreativeMind. This is your guide to uncover your authentic self and live in true purpose, success and fulfillment. Join life coaching experts and Founders of CreativeMind, Debra Berndt Maldonado and Robert Maldonado, PhD, as they explore personal growth through Jungian Theory, Eastern Spirituality and Social Neuroscience in a deep, but practical way. 

Recent Episodes

Satya Leaders Series: Why Leaders Need a Strong Ego
APR 2, 2024
Satya Leaders Series: Why Leaders Need a Strong Ego

Are leaders born with a strong ego, or is it a necessity forged through experience? We unravel the psychology of leadership and its intricate relationship with the ego and explore the balance between having a resilient ego and aligning with higher life principles for effective leadership.

From the early developmental stages of the ego to its role in spirituality and business decisions, we dissect what it means to be a leader with a strong yet guided ego. In this episode, we explore:

•  The psychological perspective on the ego and its necessity for survival, individuation, and leadership
•  The intricate development of one's ego and the challenges it poses in leadership roles, including maintaining authenticity and strong boundaries
•  How to harness a strong ego aligned with higher business and life principles for positive impact and success
•  The idea of transcending the ego's needs through self-reflection, non-attachment, and operating from a place of higher knowledge

Whether you're a seasoned leader or just stepping into your role, prepare to redefine your understanding of strength and purpose in leadership on Soul Sessions with CreativeMind.

➡️ Register for our FREE 3-day live virtual masterclass for business leaders to uncover hidden inner barriers to extraordinary success here:

➡️ Download your FREE ebook and explore the 3 hidden forces keeping you from going to the next level in your business and life here: 


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31 MIN