Who Arted with Aimee Ralfini

OCT 24, 2018-1 MIN
95bFM: Who Arted

Who Arted with Aimee Ralfini

OCT 24, 2018-1 MIN


<p>Aimee chats with <a href="http://www.wandagillespie.com/">Wanda Gillespie</a> about the origins of her current practice and what she’s got planned for the remainder of 2018.</p> <p><div class="media media-element-container media-wysiwyg"><div class="ds-1col file file-image file-image-jpeg view-mode-wysiwyg clearfix"> <img alt="Wanda Gillespie" title="Spirit Guy with Gum Nut and God’s Eye" height="800" width="533" class="media-element file-wysiwyg" typeof="foaf:Image" src="https://95bfm.com/sites/default/files/Wanda%20Gillespie-05.jpeg" /></div> </div></p><img src="https://feeds.95bfm.com/link/17736/13413440.gif" height="1" width="1"/>