Simming Again with Bluestarsim

SEP 1, 202145 MIN
💅🏾Let's talk Sims 4 with Bluestarsim

Simming Again with Bluestarsim

SEP 1, 202145 MIN


Ok it’s been a long hiatus, and yes I’ve probably said this before, but have you been around for the past 12 months! it’s been crazy. I know sims can be drama but IRL made Resident Evil look tame😳 Anyway I’m back starting a brand new season doing what I do best, chitchatting about the Sims. If you can relate to your sims getting up to all kinds of mischief, (like it wasn’t you that set them up👀🤷🏾‍♀️) sim gossip, Simmer rants, and me Bluestarsim bending your ear 👂🏾 waffling away about everything and nothing about The Sims. Then this is definitely the Podcast for you.