Obadiah? Where's that book? As we start a new sermon series today, we begin with the shortest book in the Old Testament, the minor prophet Obadiah. This short book packs a lot in and is surprisingly relevant amidst the chaos of the current moment. We will look at what God has to say about how nations treat the most vulnerable people and what that means for how the church should respond today.

City Hope Fellowship

City Hope Fellowship

Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Obadiah

FEB 9, 202550 MIN
City Hope Fellowship

Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Obadiah

FEB 9, 202550 MIN


Obadiah? Where's that book? As we start a new sermon series today, we begin with the shortest book in the Old Testament, the minor prophet Obadiah. This short book packs a lot in and is surprisingly relevant amidst the chaos of the current moment. We will look at what God has to say about how nations treat the most vulnerable people and what that means for how the church should respond today.