Should you curse at work? There isn't much cursing on Problem Solvers, but over on Jason's other podcast Help Wanted, it happens a little more often... and a listener complained! Today, Jason and his Help Wanted cohost discuss when it's appropriate for professionals to curse — and how how to calibrate the trade-off between raw personality and professionalism.
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Problem Solvers

Can Professionals Drop F-Bombs?

DEC 30, 202422 MIN
Problem Solvers

Can Professionals Drop F-Bombs?

DEC 30, 202422 MIN


Should you curse at work? There isn't much cursing on Problem Solvers, but over on Jason's other podcast Help Wanted, it happens a little more often... and a listener complained! Today, Jason and his Help Wanted cohost discuss when it's appropriate for professionals to curse — and how how to calibrate the trade-off between raw personality and professionalism.

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