Chances are whatever you know about trans issues in education came from reporters who cover the issue. The best education reporting starts with students and works its way out to larger issues. 

Few things have complicated education reporting more than trans issues. The reporting is complicated by state lawmakers and school board members who use it as a campaign issue. 

On this issue, we speak with veteran reporter and editor Barb Shelly who has been a journalist in Kansas City for decades.


Fountain City Frequency

TranScript: Trans Issues in the Media

JUL 3, 2024-1 MIN

TranScript: Trans Issues in the Media

JUL 3, 2024-1 MIN


Chances are whatever you know about trans issues in education came from reporters who cover the issue. The best education reporting starts with students and works its way out to larger issues.

Few things have complicated education reporting more than trans issues. The reporting is complicated by state lawmakers and school board members who use it as a campaign issue.

On this issue, we speak with veteran reporter and editor Barb Shelly who has been a journalist in Kansas City for decades.