We are back from our extended break and ready to go again as we cover the latest thing to tug on our nostalgia: Hocus Pocus 2! This sequel has been long-awaited for those of us who grew up watching this classic every year, just beware of any spoilers if you haven’t yet watched this for yourself, as we do discuss the characters, the plot, and get into specifics when talking about our thoughts.


Intro: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Unconceptual/Unconceptual_LP/Unconceptual_-_Unconceptual_LP_-_11_Wacky_Game_Nothing_Inappropriate_Bonus_Mix

Outro: https://icons8.com/author/spaceinvader

Beauties & Headcanons

Beauties & Headcanons

Hocus Pocus 2

OCT 9, 202238 MIN
Beauties & Headcanons

Hocus Pocus 2

OCT 9, 202238 MIN


We're back from our break and ready to talk about Hocus Pocus 2!