With 5 episodes down and 1 to go, Ms. Marvel has met a mixed reception ... one that we don’t believe is truly deserved. Beauties & Headcanons will be splitting up discussion of this series, with today’s discussion focusing on the diversity and representation present in the series and just why it’s so important. And, as an extra, we also talk about what the future Avengers may look like as well and the direction the MCU may take in the future. Just make sure you’ve caught up and have watched episodes 1-5 of Ms. Marvel if you don’t want spoilers, because we do discuss a few specifics that have happened thus far!


Intro: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Unconceptual/Unconceptual_LP/Unconceptual_-_Unconceptual_LP_-_11_Wacky_Game_Nothing_Inappropriate_Bonus_Mix

Outro: https://icons8.com/author/spaceinvader

Beauties & Headcanons

Beauties & Headcanons

Ms. Marvel & The Importance of Diversity

JUL 10, 202252 MIN
Beauties & Headcanons

Ms. Marvel & The Importance of Diversity

JUL 10, 202252 MIN


Teegan & their husband, Lee, talk about the lovely representation present in Ms. Marvel and its importance in media as a whole.