Apologies for the break, summer is officially here (and a bit hectic)! But we definitely had to sit down once Obi-Wan wrapped to discuss this series. Between the classic actors brought back to reprise their role, the newcomers who embrace their characters, and the writing and directing that hones in on all the little details, Obi-Wan seems to be a lovely gem of a series that keeps the spirit of the old while still exploring new things. Just be careful listening in, as we discuss very important plot points and happenings, so if you haven’t finished up the series yet, beware!


Intro: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Unconceptual/Unconceptual_LP/Unconceptual_-_Unconceptual_LP_-_11_Wacky_Game_Nothing_Inappropriate_Bonus_Mix

Outro: https://icons8.com/author/spaceinvader

Beauties & Headcanons

Beauties & Headcanons

Obi-Wan, The Series

JUN 26, 202244 MIN
Beauties & Headcanons

Obi-Wan, The Series

JUN 26, 202244 MIN


Teegan & Lindsay discuss the new Obi-Wan series, in spoiler-rific detail!